Surgical Intervention in Brussels: Digestive, Colorectal, and Obesity Surgery.


Digestive Surgery in Brussels

The DDG center has a Surgery department that mainly deals with digestive and laparoscopic surgery, treating pathologies of the digestive tract.

We offer specialized consultations in digestive surgery in various areas of digestive pathology such as colorectal and annex gland cancers, hepato-biliary pathologies, wall dehiscences, surgical treatment of obesity, …

Surgery Procedure

Our surgeon meets you during specialized consultations, after a thorough history and meticulous examination, he advises you on the approach to take.

Obesity-Related Surgeries in Brussels

At the DDG center, we offer various surgical interventions to treat obesity and help our patients regain an improved quality of life. Here are some of the surgeries we perform:

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy: Reducing the size of the stomach to limit food intake.
  • Gastric By-Pass: Modifying the digestive system to reduce nutrient absorption.
  • Placement of Gastric Bands: Restricting food intake by reducing the size of the stomach.

General Surgery

We also offer a range of services in general surgery, treating various conditions with a patient-centered approach:

  • Inguinal Hernia Surgery: Repair of the weakness in the abdominal wall to prevent future complications.

Colorectal Surgery in Brussels

Our team specializes in the treatment of colorectal pathologies through various surgical interventions, including:

  • Colectomy: Removal of part or all of the colon.
  • Left Colectomy for Diverticulitis: Removal of the left part of the colon in the presence of diverticulitis.
  • Rectal Prolapse Surgery: Repair and support of the prolapsed rectum.
  • Appendectomy: Removal of the inflamed or infected appendix.

Are you considering digestive surgery?

If you are experiencing symptoms or have been diagnosed with a condition requiring digestive surgery, it is essential to consult a specialist to discuss the best treatment options.

Schedule an appointment with our specialized surgeons in Brussels

At the DDG center, we offer specialized consultations in digestive surgery. Located in the heart of Brussels, our team of experts is ready to welcome you, assess your situation, and guide you through the various stages of your care journey. Whether you need surgical intervention for obesity, colorectal pathology, or any other digestive condition, we are here to help.

To schedule your consultation, contact us today. Our dedicated team is at your service, ready to answer your questions and provide you with the quality care you deserve.