6 tips to reduce the risk of diabetes
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6 tips to reduce the risk of diabetes



Diabetes is a chronic disease that can cause serious complications if not properly managed. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. This usually affects adults but is now affecting more and more children. Diabetics have high blood glucose levels, which is due to insulin resistance. It is important to know that it is possible to prevent diabetes. Here are 6 tips you should consider.

1. Practice a physical activity

Sport is an important element for the general well-being of our body, practicing a physical activity is both a way to stay healthy and to have fun. Due to the development of technology and home activities, more and more people are getting used to a sedentary lifestyle. However, by adopting this lifestyle, there will be a risk of becoming overweight due to the significant accumulation of nutrients and sugars in the blood.

Since you must expend energy to balance the sugar level, playing sports then becomes recommended to prevent diabetes. This doesn’t necessarily mean jogging every morning or going to gyms; you just have to go out to walk your dog, do your shopping on foot, go up the stairs instead of using the elevator, etc.

2. Adopt a healthy and balanced diet

A poor diet has many consequences on the body, as it increases the risk of diabetes, cancer, increases weight gain, etc. To avoid the various complications caused by this unhealthy eating habit, it is essential to make some changes in your daily diet.

To avoid diabetes, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat in your dishes. Choose grilled or steamed foods instead and avoid fried foods. Then, reduce or even abstain from sweets (cakes, candies, cookies, chocolates). It will also be necessary to limit the use of salt. Use flavor enhancers like cooking spices instead. Also, don’t forget to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

3. Check your blood sugar regularly

You should know that the symptoms of diabetes develop slowly and without the person noticing. It is therefore important to check your blood sugar regularly. The latter is defined as the level of glucose or sugar present in the blood. For people with close relatives with diabetes, the need to have a blood test every month is suggested to become aware of the onset of the disease.

The blood sugar level of a diabetic person is around 1.26g/l. For this purpose, an insulin injection is performed to regulate this rate. Thus, as soon as the rate approaches 1g/l, it is already essential to carry out more regular monitoring and improve your diet habits.

4. Stop tobacco and alcohol consumption

Smoking not only causes lung damage and breathing difficulties, but it is also a factor causing diabetes. Indeed, it makes the blood insensitive to insulin. The latter, which is secreted in the pancreas, will be used to maintain blood sugar at its normal level. Therefore, quitting smoking will be the best decision to make to prevent complications.

Alcohol contains a very high level of sugar. If you want to avoid diabetes, it will therefore also be necessary to limit or even stop its consumption. In addition, alcohol addiction is not without consequences for health.

5. Find a way to relax and avoid stress

Relaxation with yoga
Relaxation with yoga

Stress is a state of mind that affects the lives and health of a very large number of adults. It is also reputed to be responsible for triggering diabetes. To overcome it, you will have to learn to manage daily stress. How to? You can practice yoga or meditation. Breathing exercises and sophrology can also help you better channel anxiety and stress.

You should also learn to relax and eat slowly during daily meals. Indeed, a study has shown that eating too quickly promotes the development of diabetes. It has been shown to disrupt blood sugar and satiety hormones. In short, you will need to find time to relax and build a pleasant social life.

6. Learn About Symptoms and Consult a doctor

Diabetes manifests itself discreetly, however it is possible to prevent its advent by learning about the symptoms. You can therefore conduct some research on the internet or better: see a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diabetes. The frequent urge to urinate, intense thirst, fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty healing; are usually the first signs of diabetes. If you have any of these symptoms, don’t wait to go to the doctor and get a checkup.

Preventing diabetes is possible with healthy lifestyle changes. At DDG Clinic in Brussels, we recommend: a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the intake of sugar and saturated fats, quitting smoking, and regular monitoring of your blood sugar levels. Adopt these habits for a healthier future.

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Practices to put in place to reduce the risk of diabetes
Practices to put in place to reduce the risk of diabetes
6 tips to reduce the risk of contracting diabetes (chronic disease generally found in adults, but which today affects more and more children).

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